Monday, June 14, 2010

OH Canada, OH You BEAUTIFUL Falls!!

Nothing can outshine the beauty/power/magnificence of the Niagara Falls.  Riding on the Maid of the Mist was absolutely breathtaking.  It was as if the falls were coming down to nuzzle you on the cheek.  The mist wasn't always gentle, but definitely enfolding one in the embrace of the Church's most significant symbol,

Many miles spent overland on the bus bringing us all closer to each other as a choir and as a community.
We sang for mass at St. John's Cathedral in Cleveland Sunday Morning.  At that time many of our Choir Director's family were there to share the music as we sang, Sing Joyfully.  It is a magnificently beautiful Cathedral and it was a beautiful expression of our music.

Gotta go, the bus is humming..........
Quote of the day.........."what is the tour director doing in the back of the bus with Him for so long?
                                    She is debriefing him!!!"


  1. BEAUTIFUL pictures of the falls. The Maid of the Mist is a wonderful way to experience the beauty and power of the falls - I am so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Great pics and LOL at the quote of the day!
