Wednesday, June 16, 2010

He Haw, Rickshaw Rides

Many in our group were concerned about having the rickshaw ride, only because they worried about those "kids" pulling us around Ottawa.  It turned out to be a very pleasurable experience.  We had about a 45min.
ride and lots of laughs.  The "pulling team" were great to work with, young people all in college working for
the summer in this very creative job.

Quote of the Day:  As one of the rickshaw drivers was going over a curb our tour director asked if it was
hard to go over the curbs?  "No, he said, " it's a shallow curb".........oh, she said, "So it's a MAN curb!"

We then re-embarked on the bus and road across the highways and byways to Quebec City.  A very nice young man gave us a walking tour of the old city, and answered many questions.  He was dressed in period clothing from about the 1600's and gave a very complete overview of the history and settlement of Quebec.

This tour lasted so long that we remained on the bus and went directly to dinner.  This made for the third day in a row that we were on the bus from early in the morning until very late in the evening.  People were very tired, and somewhat crabby (me more than others, so I have insight on the mood of the evening).  Dinner was at La Sucrerie  BlouinThe Sugar Party was all things maple sugar.  We had a very late beginning, dinner didn't get started until after 8:30pm and therefore a very late ending to the night.  I overheard the tour guide report to someone that the group was tired and crabby  .As a result of the natives being restless we were blessed with a later wake-up call for the morning, and we need not put our luggage out as we were staying at this hotel for 2 nights!

Quote of the day.........."Be sure to put Maple Sugar on it"!

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